Category: Posts


A Great Song

For those of you who couldn’t get the link to work on the post “Lately” I’ve posted this music link for my new favorite (non Linkin Park) song.  Okay, it may be a little melancholy, but I’m in one of…

Ending Emotional Pain: Belonging

Tessie Naranjo, a sociologist from the Tewa Village of Santa Clara, summed up an inner longing for peace and absence of pain when she observed “It’s the most precious thing…to know absolutely where you belong. There’s a whole emotional wrapping-around-of-you-here.…


It’s the theme that I hear more often than not ~ we’re all in some stage of relationship, ladies.  I have a new mantra:  I am myself lately.  I think of how I can be a blessing.  I am she….the…

Letters I Will Never Send

It was an amazing letter that I will most likely never forget.  There is this WordPress site called “Letters that I will never Send,” an epic journey of emotion from the nameless, faceless masses of people who seem to be…

Beautiful Like You

I find it remarkable how days reflect the light of your spirit. I am almost radiant. T and I are having a productive home day…she drew an amazing pic for her Daddy.  I have this fab opportunity to make a…


Questions  and words…they are my friends. I love the word possibility. It echoes hope for tomorrow, expectation of faith and self, imagination and energy all at one time. Possibility. What is your possibility? What do you dream of?  Are you…