Saturday Morning Surprise: How Egg Toast Can Make A Day

I love waking up on Saturday mornings.  It’s the moment that I realize I get to spend forty eight hours with the man of my heart, just living our life.  I tend to do things that pamper him; after all, he spent all week bringing home the finances that allow me to be a stay at home Mom and grad student.  He’s this amazing person that is always there to encourage and support.

In Europe, they call this Hoppy toad or something like that.

So how do you say thanks to the guy or girl who gives so much of themselves for you?  Brian and I laugh over breakfast foods, a new addition to his world.  Once upon a time when we had not so great communication, he’d often be slightly resentful of my offer of toast in the morning – he’s got to move around a little before food resonates with him.  The days of yelling about toast are over.

These days, there is a change in the air from when the schedule of the “should” kept us running from daylight to dark. We sleep in on Saturday until he’s honestly done sleeping unless there is a trip planned, or an early T time to make.  It might be  7, 8, 11 or noon before we finally wander out of bed.  In there somewhere you’ll find me in the kitchen, making him a super surprise breakfast.  I love to do things through the week that bring that smile, that knowing that I’ve gone out of my way to say “I love you baby” through some little something.  A glass of milk at bedtime.  Fresh sheets, laundry that smells great, a full, homemade dinner ready when he gets home.  Making his favorite oatmeal at 6 a.m. with fruit to send him off to work. On weekends….lazy breakfast in bed, then some golf if weather allows.  Depending on his carb tolerance for the day, I might make an omelet full of chopped bacon, lots of mixed cheese and whatever else strikes my fancy.  He prefers sauteed mushrooms and steak omelets, as well.

Still, there is one thing I can  make the both Taryn and Brian seem to really like.  Have you tried egg toast?  It’s a fun thing to do if you have kids helping out, or if you want to spend a family moment.  Taryn is the egg master.

First, start out warming a flat griddle or pan.  Medium heat.  I use Oat Nut Bread from Aunt Millie’s, but any larger size, stout bread will do.  The mushy white stuff falls apart.  Butter each side of your bread.  I use real butter, but margarine is okay.  Make sure it’s soft – you want to keep the bread intact.

With a cup or cookie cutter, cut a circle hole in the bread that is large enough for the egg to completely set.  You can use shapes like stars or moons….Taryn loves the heart cookie cutter.

My egg toast is loaded with parm, seasoning and is cooked to crunchy golden goodness. It's fun!

Place the bread on the hot pan and crack an egg into the hole.  Tap the egg with a wooden spoon or the edge of your spatula if you’re not wanting running yolks; if you do, leave it whole.  Put the cut out part of the bread in the pan and turn it, season it and remove it with the larger toast. Sprinkle the top of the toast with flavored season salt and Parmesan cheese, leaving it to cook on the first side until the egg is well set.  Flip it over with the egg intact.

Season and add parm to the second side, adding a slice of cheese over the egg (optional).  Put the cut out on top of the egg.  Let the second side crisp, then remove to plate.  Repeat until everyone has plenty of egg toast.

Served with smoked bacon ends, fresh fruit and coffee or tea……it’s a fun thing that can travel via plate to breakfast in bed, doesn’t make a mess and smells wonderful.

Try it with your honey.  It’s the simple acts of love that will make your day – and it’s as easy as cereal!

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